Tuesday 17 April 2018

Washing of Spears April 2018

Rouke's Drift a great 28mm diorama from David P senior and junior in 28mm.  Played out with the Men who would be Kings rules.  I got an absolute pasting from the Zulus despite starting with the mealie bag redoubt in place.  The Zulu players did moan for the first few turns about getting in but once they were in the compound it got pretty sticky

 "The army doesn't like more than one disaster in a day."  "Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast."

Death waits you! You have made a covenant with death, and with Hell you are in agreement. You're all going to die! Don't you realize? Can't you see? You're all going to die! Die! Death awaits you all!

"Fire at will!" "That's very nice of him."

"The Grenadier Guards"

Haven't you had enough? Both of you! My god, can't you see it's all over! Your bloody egos don't matter anymore. We're dead!

What do you know about Zulus? Bunch of savages, isn't it?

If 1200 men couldn't hold a defensive position this morning, what chance have we with 100?

Saturday 7 April 2018

Johnny Reb April 2018

We were using Dave Seniors 28mm ACW figures with a six player battle on a 16'x 5' table.  so easy to fill it at that scale.   The union attacked on both flanks, the Rebs held. Result a Reb victory!