Saturday 21 January 2017

Barbarossa Defence Line

Battlegroup Barbarossa Defence Line

750point battlegroups Russian Infantry defending v German Panzer Attack  this saddled the Soviets with plenty of elements but not a lot of command control

This AT position held for six turns under gun, tank and MG fire, the German initial probe

Russian trench position

Russian Left and centre

This hill was an objective overlooking the brown stream which was difficult going, the Russian held it through the whole game.

Second objective The Bridge
The mill house was booby trapped, the infantry gun had been pinned down in the bombardment, later it pulled back and fought 5 panzer 3s , had two Beyond the call of duties before the crew was destroyed

Burning Panzer 3

The Cavalry arrive
The reserves try to counter the German break through, T-28 to the rescue, again this infantry gun had fought through 6 turns

German victory
The Panzers finally take the bridge and the Russian Battlegroup has suffered 39 BR, initially 36