Saturday 29 August 2015

Review of Battlegroup Overlord at 6 months

We have been playing alot of the excellent Battlegroup rules.  This was an encounter battle, 500 point battlegroups for each player and four players, two German v an american Armoured platoon and my British infantry company with a section of carriers and two 6pdrs.  Most of these pictures are from the victorious allies positions

British infantry advance

Light mortar carrier

Young David's tiger after being bazooka'd by JPs armoured platoon

Young Davids ammo truck

Armooured Platoons dismounted HQ

US carnage

However all the hill tops were taken by the Armoured Platoon

The previous Outlaw reviews of Battlegroup Rules were
" Read the examples in the rules before playing"
"Punishes poor play"
"Game improves as you get a grip on the rules"
"Overlord book too big with too much in it"
Overall rated better than Rapid Fire.

After 6 months they were
"Rewards planning for failure & fire and movement tactics"
" Artillery doesn't reflect Bangs per minute, the big guns get rewarded"
"Gets better and better"
"Infantry top armour in close country"