Monday, 15 January 2018

Barbarossa - Mud and Blood

A great time has had by nearly all, JP was using cursed dice.  Battle played in deep mud conditions after early autumn rains.  Pictures only of the notable units.
400point Battlegroups for each player.  German JP and young David both panzer division, Russian Mechanised Corp, me, Rifle Division big Livy.  The Germans won an all objectives victory after five turns

The KV-1 lasted the whole game under fire from the Panzer 3s, it spent two of the five turned pinned but KOd a Panzer 3.  the Bt-7s in comparison had less impact.

This table was a sea of mud due to early autumn rains, the mechanised infantry all entered on foot, the red blob is the objective.  I had to send one squad after another running towards the objective while the Germans slide along the top of the ridge to take it.  The Russian support forces tried to pick them off.

This was the real unit of the game for me the infantry gun 76.2mm, with loader team placed right on the edge of the board on turn 2 from the reserves, it never failed to pin down a German infantry squad, half track or armoured car.

Valiant German trucks brave the roads, painted by  Young David, the Germans stuck with road movement before dismounting this kept the order count down.

Autocannon armed Panzer 2s picked off Livy's T-26s and hammered the Russian infantry, again painted by Young David, the panzer on it's side slide off the hill. Below is JPs battle cutting edge

Above Big Livy's platoon commander advanced to contest an objective on the junction but couldn't live through the storm of German fire that took out his platoon.

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