Saturday, 5 December 2015

Overlord Falais Gap scenario

Falais Gap

We played the Falais gap scenario today, a fast moving brutal battle which felt pretty loaded against the Germans. This was one of the most marked differences in outcome of any battle we have played.  Germans suffered 46BR to the American 21 BR

German AT gun

Falljeager behind and improvised barrier & on a hill

Panzer scheck team and road block

Sherman ploughs through the orchard to take the cross roads

Charge the Panther!

American infantry storm the objective, kill the shreckteam

heavy car races to the Forward HQ to pull out the Commander

Panzer Schrek team claims a sherman

Out of fuel Panther mobbed!

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Review of Battlegroup Overlord at 6 months

We have been playing alot of the excellent Battlegroup rules.  This was an encounter battle, 500 point battlegroups for each player and four players, two German v an american Armoured platoon and my British infantry company with a section of carriers and two 6pdrs.  Most of these pictures are from the victorious allies positions

British infantry advance

Light mortar carrier

Young David's tiger after being bazooka'd by JPs armoured platoon

Young Davids ammo truck

Armooured Platoons dismounted HQ

US carnage

However all the hill tops were taken by the Armoured Platoon

The previous Outlaw reviews of Battlegroup Rules were
" Read the examples in the rules before playing"
"Punishes poor play"
"Game improves as you get a grip on the rules"
"Overlord book too big with too much in it"
Overall rated better than Rapid Fire.

After 6 months they were
"Rewards planning for failure & fire and movement tactics"
" Artillery doesn't reflect Bangs per minute, the big guns get rewarded"
"Gets better and better"
"Infantry top armour in close country"

Saturday, 2 May 2015

DBA 15mm caledonians

Had a three way tourney of 9 battles with Lewis and Liam two of our younger members.

We had three Batavian v Early imperial Roman Battles then morphed there into Roman civil war, Roman v caledonian, caledonian v Scots Irish and finiahed with A Scots Irish v Scots Irish.

My Caledonains performed superbly The outstanding performance from the Brown horse champion charging up a difficult hill and driving the irish champion back off it before destroying him.  This took a lot of 6s.

Version 3 is good but the Romans dont get the real command advantages and loose out on discipline.  the secret to fight with armies you like.

The General "Blue beard"

Brown cows for the baggage, with the warriors massed

The single warband got gubbed by the Irish in there first game, the black horse champion crossed a river and gubbed two auxilia in turn, the battle ended in a draw.

Black horse Champion


Sunday, 15 March 2015


Black Powder Napoleonic

This was played as an encounter battle all troops entering the table in march columns. Five Players, Bil and Young David French, myself JP and Livi as Prussians.  Equal numbers in total but the french deployed more and quicker.  The Prussians dominated the table centre and held on everywhere else. Figures provided by Jp (Prussians figures) Young David's french.

French Advance

French Advance

French Advance