Monday, 27 March 2017

Union repulsed

All figures painted by Young David Provan, this was an hasty attack by "green " union commanders against a Veteran Confederate rearguard using the excellent Jonny Reb rules

the union

Union elites

rebs at the ready

more rebs
 The reb line looked thin but the blue bellies would find out they were ready to fight
Union centre was held up by the cornfields

the union about to come to grips

Young David pounces on a weak centre

Dave senior decimates one union battery

then finishes off the next with extreme range fire

Oh the horror, the divisional commander watches is artillery run for it

A brigadier is cut down throwing shaking his brigade

the union sweeps around the right

more waiting rebs

/union still hold the ridge on the right

I have them! confederate divisional commnder

Rebs surge forward

Rebs take the battery then charge again

Zouaves cant stop them

My brigadier shot and returning to the base followed by his own zouves at the roll of a double 1