Saturday, 2 May 2015

DBA 15mm caledonians

Had a three way tourney of 9 battles with Lewis and Liam two of our younger members.

We had three Batavian v Early imperial Roman Battles then morphed there into Roman civil war, Roman v caledonian, caledonian v Scots Irish and finiahed with A Scots Irish v Scots Irish.

My Caledonains performed superbly The outstanding performance from the Brown horse champion charging up a difficult hill and driving the irish champion back off it before destroying him.  This took a lot of 6s.

Version 3 is good but the Romans dont get the real command advantages and loose out on discipline.  the secret to fight with armies you like.

The General "Blue beard"

Brown cows for the baggage, with the warriors massed

The single warband got gubbed by the Irish in there first game, the black horse champion crossed a river and gubbed two auxilia in turn, the battle ended in a draw.

Black horse Champion
